Keith F. Miller, Jr.


The bulk of content on The Pillow Talk Project is written. As a result, we are always looking for passionate, thorough and meticulous researchers, writers, and ... Go Deeper

Video & Photography

The bar for photography/video submissions on The Pillow Talk Project is high, so all photographers/videographers interested in having work commissioned by us mu... Go Deeper


Hari, a mid-twentysomething Cleveland native living in New York City, is a siren of change. But not just any change. The uncomfortable kind that requires us to ... Go Deeper


Eric, a mid-twentysomething from Milwaukee, WI, is one hell of a Human. Soul. Artist. Change-maker. He’s survived a lot. And his (invisible) scars bring and bre... Go Deeper

Masculinity as Love

No matter how we feel about it, masculinity is ever-present. It presents itself in ways we recognize: brute strength, discipline, firmness, size, and grit. We c... Go Deeper

Seeing Beauty in Me, First

Why is it so few of us are able to see the true beauty staring back at us? Is it simply because we don’t believe it? Is it because we see the beauty in everyone... Go Deeper

Finding My Power, Again

We underestimate our strength, especially when we’re younger. What we’re able to survive. What we’re able to make normal, even when it isn’t. The ability to bea... Go Deeper