The Nightingale, an early-twentysomething from New Orleans, has experienced a lot.

From surviving early childhood trauma to struggling to navigate the world as an adult, he’s remained curious and fearless in trying to better understand everything around him.

And as he continues to soul search, embracing his own beauty, re-thinking the pressures of masculinity, and exploring what it truly means to be vulnerable through intimacy, sensuality, love, and relationships, he teaches us even more about ourselves, and why in a world full of canned answers, the best thing we could ever do is be brave enough to ask the right questions.

He isn’t at the point in his life where he can reveal his identity proudly, but sharing his story is the first powerful step to healing–for him and for us all.

Experience The Nightingale’s Pillow Talk journey:


The Odd Man Out
Brave Men Step Out of the Box
Intimacy Among Friends
Sensuality. Sex. Intimacy.