“There are so many negative stereotypes when it comes to men of color that no one is exposed to the other beautiful things men of color are capable of, which is any and everything we put our mind to. Campaigns like #WeSmileToo show the world that men of color can be serious, sensitive, joyful, sexy, and confident all in one.

When it comes to how men of color are represented, it doesn’t matter whether you are gay or straight, you often get the shorter end of the bargain. The strong connection to being overly aggressive, or all about drugs and money, or the abundance of nude photography, or the lack of designers that pick us, have become too much of the norm.

But if we can start breaking through what we are accustomed to and start branching out and conquering areas we usually wouldn’t try out for because of fear, it could mean the start of a new era for men of color. #WeSmileToo is the beginning of that because it says, “Hey! I’m more than what you think of me.”